A day in tweets for 2011-10-03

  • NES-cartridge art from 72 Pins makes retro games new, new games retro http://t.co/TcILyPOI via @editions #
  • http://t.co/2pty2Kor [Culture Japan Season…] Looking forward to it! I actually still need to finish season 1… #
  • http://t.co/6O2qHOLE [Desktop or Laptop?] My system of choice depends on what I'm currently doing and what en… #
  • Testing out Teleport to control the Macs. Thanks to @dannychoo for the link. #
  • Teleport may seriously be the most helpful app I've ever seen a link too. Absolutely in love with it. Again, thanks to @dannychoo. #
  • http://t.co/y0zbh4vA [Kids React to Hatsun…] These videos make me die a little inside each time I see one. F… #
  • For those wondering when the next FHNWRK update is coming, I've got two to write up, just need the free the time to do so. #
  • Also, yes I have a huge backlog on Empire Avenue. The joys for work 😛 #
  • On the other hand, writing code at work means I can legitimately say my code's compiling 😉 #
  • Don't get me wrong, I love what I'm doing. #
  • Well, this is a new one. I think I managed to crash QuickLook. http://t.co/tVD2jRqe #

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